Telehealth, also known as telemedicine, is a mode of health care that uses secure digital technologies such as videoconferencing and telephone services to connect patients and providers.
Telehealth, also known as telemedicine, is a mode of health care that uses secure digital technologies such as videoconferencing and telephone services to connect patients and providers.
This timeline from CTRC provides telehealth providers with key dates they should know regarding the end of the PHE.
Telehealth, also known as telemedicine, is a mode of health care that uses secure digital technologies such as videoconferencing and telephone services to connect patients and providers.
On December 23rd, the House of Representatives approved a $1.7 trillion spending package, HR 2617, aka the Omnibus Appropriations legislation. Included in the legislation were a number of changes that have the potential to impact telehealth providers across the nation.
As a preamble to the upcoming Advances in Remote Patient Monitoring Learning Event co-hosted by CTRC and the California Health Care Foundation, this blog delves into the world of RPM and its role in the future of health care.
Virtual care offers patients convenience, flexibility, and reduced
costs. To ensure your information is secure, consider the
following safeguards.
In its early days, telehealth was under-researched, underfunded, and underutilized by a general public largely unaware of the vast potential benefits. Today, following a period of rapid evolution fueled by the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth may offer a solution to one of the most pressing problems facing our nation’s youth: mental health crises.
COVID-19 transformed California’s health care system. With it came increased safety protocols, a strained and exhausted workforce, supply shortages, and exponential growth in virtual care. An unexpected silver lining is the finding that practices offering telehealth services and work-from-home options have higher health care workforce retention rates.
CTRC’s 10th Annual Telehealth Summit happened on August 9-10th, 2022.
While it remains to be seen if temporary waivers will be made permanent after the PHE is lifted, the fate of audio-only visits–real-time telephone visits unaccompanied by a video component—is a topic of wide-ranging opinion and debate.
The California Telehealth Resource Center (CTRC) is a leading source of knowledge and education for telehealth providers, patients, and safety net populations across California. A proud part of the National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers.
Phone: (877) 590-8144