This guide outlines how to avoid the common mistakes of choosing and implementing telehealth technology. Click to DownloadRead more
This guide outlines how to avoid the common mistakes of choosing and implementing telehealth technology. Click to DownloadRead more
The COVID 19 Pandemic has accelerated the acceptance of telemedicine into the practice
of medicine.
Room design impacts the quality of the virtual care encounter and should not be overlooked during the development of a telehealth program. This document provides practical information and advice on the major components that should be addressed in designing virtual care space.
Telehealth Resource Center (TRC) representatives interviewed 131 Subject Matter Experts from over 50 FQHC/RHC clinics. Four key points were found to be best practices for telehealth in response to COVID-19.
A Guide to Accelerate States’ Ability to Telework
CTRC presents key considerations, divided into six sections, to guide California health care executives as you weigh the right balance of virtual solutions to complement in-person care for your health center and the patients you serve.
This factsheet provides recommendations for providers when treating patients with disabilities via telehealth. It includes both general recommendations for providers as well as specific tips when treating patients who are deaf or have hearing loss, patients who are blind or have vision loss, and patients with physical/developmental disabilities.
Virtual care offers many benefits, but it can also increase exposure to cyberthreats. These tips can help keep PHI secure.
This toolkit is intended to help California providers and patients optimize RPM for better, more accessible care. Practices that embrace RPM technologies today, will be well positioned to leverage eminent powerful advances that build on RPM to transform care as we know it.
The National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers(NCTRC) is a collaborative of 12 regional and 2 national Telehealth Resource Centers (TRCs) committed to assisting organizations in the implementation of telehealth programs for rural and underserved communities.
The California Telehealth Resource Center (CTRC) is a leading source of knowledge and education for telehealth providers, patients, and safety net populations across California. A proud part of the National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers.
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