The purpose of these guidelines is to assist providers in pursuing a sound course of action in providing safe and effective medical care using telehealth tools based upon on current scientific knowledge, technological requirements, and patient needs. Safe and effective practice requires technical training, professional knowledge and skill, and explicit
processes as described in each document.
Compliance with these guidelines alone will not guarantee accurate diagnoses, appropriate clinical treatment, or optimal outcomes. Appropriate divergence from the guidelines may be indicated under certain conditions, such as emergency situations or locations with limited resources or other unavoidable constraints. Similarly, technological
advances may alter prevailing practices or provide new and expanded opportunities.
The guidelines in this document are based on the accumulated knowledge and experience of the ATA workgroups, eye care and telemedicine professionals, and other stakeholders, and generally describe the evidenced based best practices for ocular telehealth. However, the technical and administrative guidelines do not purport to establish binding legal
standards for delivering telemedicine services.
Information courtesy of The American Telemedicine Association.