Workflow tends to vary from one practice to another, but this step-by-step illustration provides a general overview of a crisis care management workflow.
Workflow tends to vary from one practice to another, but this step-by-step illustration provides a general overview of a crisis care management workflow.
Workflow often varies from one practice to another, but this helpful illustration provides a general overview of the telehealth process.
Workflow tends to vary from one practice to another, but this step-by-step illustration provides a general overview of the clinic-to-clinic telehealth process.
Workflow may vary from one practice to another, but this detailed illustration gives you a useful overview of the clinic-to-patient telehealth process.
Here’s another useful flow chart that helps you understand how a standard eConsult takes place. Adapt these insights to your own unique practice.
These helpful workflow illustrations can be easily adapted to reflect your own organizational preferences and processes.
Download these useful no-cost workflow illustrations, and start adapting them to your own organizational processes.
Workflow mapping helps any organization visualize its process—and identify areas for improvement. Learn how to develop your own diagrams!
Learn to document your own insightful workflows. Then use those charts as teaching tools to improve team confidence and performance.
The California Telehealth Resource Center (CTRC) is a leading source of knowledge and education for telehealth providers, patients, and safety net populations across California. A proud part of the National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers.
Phone: (877) 590-8144