Promising Practices

Lesson 11 of 15

The following considerations and tips for video etiquette will aid in creating a positive visit experience for both providers and patients.

Remember To:

  • Speak normally
  • Talk to the person, not the screen
  • Monitor your “self-view” but don’t obsess about it
  • Use gestures – be animated
  • Make sure your gestures are on camera/in the frame
  • Create eye contact when possible


PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! Use mock encounters to learn and develop your comfortability.

Camera Location

  • Camera should be level with the top of your head.
  • Raise your camera or laptop if the image is too low. Books or a laptop riser work well.
  • Be sure to fill the video frame from top to bottom.
  • If you speak with your hand, include them.
  • Try to avoid intrusive backgrounds.

On-Camera Presentation

Standard workplace lighting is often “good enough”… but a lot of us are working from home or the patient is at home, which can create challenges. The general lighting principle: use bright, diffuse, from the front.

Lighting Mistakes to Avoid


Backlighting / Directy in front of window


Harsh light, gloss surfaces, reflections


Unbalanced light or point sources

Other Distracting Practices to Avoid


Backlighting / Directy in front of window


Harsh light, gloss surfaces, reflections


Unbalanced light or point sources

Good On-Camera Presentation

  • Good lighting
  • Camera set at head level (which helps create the illusion of eye contact)
  • Clean, non-distracting background
  • No loud colors or patterns

Telehealth Provider Etiquette Tips for Success

Preparing for Your Virtual Visit